Stories About Orangutans
"In the end, we will conserve only what we love; we will love only what we understand and we will understand only what we are taught.”― Baba Dioum
Getting people to care about these critically endangered amazing great apes is at the heart of what the Orangutan SSP is about. What better way than to help you with a glimpse into the simple and seemingly ordinary moments of the zookeepers that spend their lives fiercely caring and loving these animals.
An Introduction into Stories about Orangutans

In 2018, under the auspices of the Orangutan SSP, Angela Selzer (Orangutan SSP Social Media Advisor and Husbandry Workshop Chair, Zookeeper at Fort Wayne Children’s Zoo) and Karin Konoval (professional actor who played orangutan “Maurice” in the Planet of the Apes trilogy) launched the first orangutan storytelling exploration for professional orangutan keepers. Each month for eleven months Karin sent out a story prompt question to an invited group of participants, and made herself available as confidential reader and editorial eye for those who wished it. The first year was so fruitful it led to a second year with new participants, then the first live storytelling presentation at conference in 2019, then a third year with new participants. Karin put together the first four-part audio program of stories in 2020 in honor of Orangutan Caring Week (“Nineteen Stories About Orangutans”) and the second in 2021 (“Thirteen Stories About Orangutans”). The fourth year of the orangutan storytelling exploration is currently in progress, with a fifth to come. We hope you will enjoy these stories from professional keepers who have participated in the storytelling exploration journeys and now, in their own voices, share their stories with you.